Hi Jos,

Ganesh has been with us for more than 1o months so it is clearly time to give you some news.

It took time for all of us to get used to the new situation but I think everybody was very willing to try it out and it seems to be working very well 🙂

Ganesh is now part of our family, as you can see in the enclosed pictures he followed us in our adventures, hikes, garden remodeling, vacations, he was also by us on the day we got married and we shared our first Christmas together.

He is a very well behaved dog so it has been a very smooth transition to have him with us. But don’t mistake me, he is no angel and can be naughty at times too, well so are all ;).

He likes his sticks and loves to play with balls, he is the best goalie there is! He has (many) comfortable beds and gets to try different treats even if runderluchtpijpen are top favorites. He gets to run without a leash from time to time, and he swims in the lake in the summer – but he prefers to not go too far 🙂

We could not imagine our life or our house without him now, maybe in the future he will get furry brothers and sisters but for now we are enjoying this new life with the 3 of us.

I hope you are able to see the many pictures and videos.