Today it’s 1 week when we took CJ from the shelter – he seems to be very happy with us since day one! Attached you find video from car when we wever taking him home and some pics and videos of him with other animals 🐈🦮🐈
It took around 4 days for our cat to accept we cuddle also other cat, but now they are playing with each other and when we don’t look, they even groom each other! 🥰
Our dog is cat lover, but it took to CJ several days to understand he doesn’t have to be afraid. So everything seems to be in order 🙂
Also – we started to call CJ “Papej” – would it be still possible to re-register his name? Let us know – in case its too late he will stay CJ on paper but Papej at home…
Have a nice Sunday,
Eva & Dennis